Sunday, 27 December 2009
Week 29: Bed bound.
All yours.
This is a picture from a set, if I could I would post the entire set, but I have already made the promise to myself that I will only post one picture per week. The idea of this set, is that you (as the audience) must capture your own imagination through expression of others. I purposely chose the people closest to me in this shoot, the people I feel I have utterly connected with over the years, to get a much more rounded result for my own satisfaction.
Song listening to right now: I Will Follow Him - Dusty Springfield
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Week 28: Perception II.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Week 27: Form.
Thanks for your time.
This photograph is brutally formal and is quite hard to look at for a while. It expresses the coldness of architecture and does not allow us to flow. It does not allow any of the leeway that is attached to an improvised life. The photograph is routine. This is form.
Song listening to right now: The Wretched - Nine Inch Nails
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Week 26: Difference.
This photograph is a little different to my other work I have posted on the blog, this is mainly because I have a different mindset right now. Although I feel completely stressed out, I like my attitude towards the work. I used to have an obsession with staircases. This was taken in Nice, France. I spent a while standing there to compose this photograph. Take from it what you will.
Song listening to right now: Peter Gunn Theme - Emerson Lake and Palmer
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Week 25: Home.
This, however, is home. At the time of taking this photograph, it didn't feel like home, neither did it suit the situation I was in at the time, but I believe it really shows this feeling of being isolated. The pillars could represent the people around me constantly trying to support each other. Then there is just me, reflecting in my own paranoia and suspended by my own disbelief, feeling trapped by certain people who surround me. I'd like to add that there are people here who act as pillars for me, and I'd like to thank them for doing everything they can to make me comfortable.
Song listening to right now: Glorious - Andreas Johnson
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Week 24: Ignorance.
Anyway, thanks for reading.
This is obviously an extreme version of how I am feeling and a totally different situation, literally. However, emotionally it links in quite well with the way I feel. It is quite a coincidence as this image was not my idea.
This was taken for Richard Cooper's theatre design project, he approached me and asked to capture this image. The concept and design for it was completely his brainchild, I just did the technical stuff. I felt it reflected my emotional state. Thanks Rich.
Song listening to right now: Juliet - Army of Freshman
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Week 23: Commitment.
Thank you for reading.
Once again another self portrait. This isn't a narcissistic thing, I just wish to explore myself. Actually, on second thought, it may be a vanity thing, I'm not sure yet but I will find out once I have explored enough. Taken on a Hasselblad 503, with 120 Fujifilm Reala film, ISO 100.
Song listening to right now: Brain Damage - Pink Floyd
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Week 22: A portrait.
Drew some inspiration from Joel-Peter Witkin.
Song listening to right now: Business Time - Flight of The Conchords
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Week 21: Halloween.
I tried to challenge this idea, by letting out the models personality and making her seem totally free. Free from masks, clothing and make up. I still could not get past the facade of the portrait.
Song listening to right now: Life - Des'ree
Friday, 23 October 2009
Week 20: Allure.
"Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at."
A famous quote that I'm sure most of you have heard before, but this links in well with the idea of surveillance. We are constantly being surveyed, it may not be for such superficial things as CCTV and candid cameras, but people look at you and you look at people. This is an on going cycle of surveillance. The gaze creates this and we are normally to busy in our everyday lives to notice the eyes around us and to notice that our own eyes are frequently entering that cycle.
Thanks, once again.
What is a portrait, but a mask? A mask that triggers this concept of surveying. You could survey this image and try to look past the mask, but it won't work. It will not work.
Song listening to right now: Coward of the Year - Aesop Rock
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Week 19: Order.
Thank you for reading.
From the "Redundant" self-portrait shoot.
Song listening to right now: Child in Time - Deep Purple
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Week 18: Restrained.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Week 17: My generation.
I spent a day back in Nottingham doing a shoot on my Grandfather's Halina A1 and have only just processed the prints (which is why this blog is a few days late + the lack of internet). This picture is a visual definition of my opinion on our generation.
“The fiery trials through which we pass will light us down in honor or dishonor to the latest generation.”
Abraham Lincoln.
Song listening to right now: Sharks and Danger - Alexisonfire
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Week 16: Context.
An image can be totally manipulated by just one or several words. This entire blog has been manipulating your perception of my images by a scroll of words written by me. I have paired the images with context that roots from the origin of the photograph, this can be seen as either positive or negative in the world of art. I believe it totally depends on the circumstances I.e the photograph. The positive is that the explanation, caption or title of an image defines what the artist wishes the audience to perceive from his/her said image. The negative is that it can destroy the imagination of the audience for that one image. So I leave you with this image, with nothing I quoted by myself...
"To be of any use to an artist, photographs must be rooted in a context, in a past; there is no such thing as a context-free photograph, and abstract photography is good for nothing but record covers."
John Stathatos ('A Reading of Peeter Linnap's "Summer 1955"')
Song listening to right now: Black Dog - Led Zeppelin
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Week 15: Dedication.
A bagpipe player in the city of Oxford showing power through dedication. A different type of power, an internal and more select power. There are certain signs in this image that show a great indexical and also quite symbolic signification to his lifestyle. Take the sign in the background for example. I spotted this before I took the time to set up the image, and selectively chose to keep part of the word "Friends" in the shot. This man dedicated every song he played to a friend he had lost over his lifetime. Primarily, internal dedication is what we must posess to subsequently gain an external look of power.
Song listening to right now: Me, Myself and I - De La Soul
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Week 14: Contradiction.
Contradiction may occur, but at least it won't be an anti climax. Whilst posting this blog acts as the present for the moment, I will look over it in years to come and the immense nostalgic feeling will rush through me in such an awesome way.
Humans observe humans without observing fact.
Fact is true and true is that every human has a self. We look at others without realizing they are viewing the world just the same, in a first-person bubble. On the rare occasion when this is perceived, we contradict our cognitive thoughts by having personal emotions forced onto us such as sympathy, empathy or pity. I now contradict myself by speaking of metacognition in such a way that it seems trivial.
"Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself (I am large, I contain multitudes)."
-Walt Whitman Song of Myself
So, no doubt quite a few of you have seen this picture before. It's one of my old ones. This was taken in Golders Green, London. A lot of you will also know that I am Jewish, and respect a lot of different cultures. In the morning there were a group of polish men sat on a bench, drunk and asleep. I took a couple of pictures of them, but found the images quite boring. Later on, when I was just getting in the car to leave, a couple of community support officers walked past and queried them, suddenly one of them woke up and started shouting at the female officer. Just as we drove past I saw an orthodox Jew walk past and look back at them. I quickly took the opportunity to snap the image whilst my father was driving the car.
I like to think this image shows and defines the phrase "Cultural Diversity". The lifestyles contrast yes, but he has observed an event involving three human beings. He observes truth, he notices that he is a completely different human being to the man being questioned. The setting for this was a little coincidental but also very relevant. The shop in the background shows multiple sale signs, the man does not notice this as he is obviously much more distracted by the drama that is happening. This symbolises his connection with human rather than material. He will look back at the youth of today and compare it to his own past.
Song listening to right now: The Bare Necessities - Jungle Book
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Week 13: Pensive.
Thank you for reading.
The Arboretum in Nottingham was pretty empty when I took this photograph on the university's Hasselblad 500. I used an Ilford Delta 400 roll of film and this was actually one of the first Black and White medium format shoots I had ever taken. This man didn't really talk to me much but he did tell me his name and where he was born. I will keep these details to myself as I will feel a sense guilt if I exploit him on the internet. He also said that he could sit by the bird cages all day, thinking about his life so far and just watch the world go by. I didn't question him much (unlike the other people I have captured). I think maybe his pensiveness made me rather nervous, maybe he was judging me or maybe he was just thinking "Why would you even take a picture of me?." Either way I will never know, but I'm glad I took this photograph of him. It conveys deep thought and seems timeless to me. If you would like to see more images from this shoot, please have a look at my Facebook page that is linked at the top of this blog.
Song listening to right now: These Eyes - The Guess Who
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Week 12: Content.
This photograph was actually taken in Nottingham during my Freshers week. I had totally forgotten about it until the other day when I was looking through my archive of photographs that I have on this Macbook. She was an elderly lady who had sat down next to me in Market Square, and told me all about her son who owned lots of big companies and was passing the torch onto her grandson, but she didn't care for the riches of her offspring, she was content in what she had done in her lifetime. She came to this country from Thailand with very little money and brought her son up to be a great man, this was enough of a prize for her, she was proud and happy to live with that one thought.
Song listening to right now: Disintergration - The Cure
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Week 11: Change in Relationship.
In this photograph I see a much more fitting definition for the word "Relationship."
Song listening to right now: David Bowie - Young Americans
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Week 10: Construction of photographs.
Thank you once again.
This photograph was taken in Nice, France. The view from the Hotel was a picturesque view of a construction site and thought a picture with attention to composition and construction might be a little bit of a corny double entendre, but turned out to be quite a nice little photograph, which plays a little bit with the perception section of the brain. The way we construct what we see and put together the signals made by light can sometimes either be decieving or advantageous. In this photograph I believe both of these concepts are present.
Song listening to right now: Ludivico Einaudi - The Waves (Le Onde)
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Week 9: Redundant.
Once taken out of context with the rest of the narrative, this picture does not mean as much to the audience as it would if it were with the rest of the photographs, but it is just a little taster for you lot, and I think it evokes solemn in such a way that it connects and engages with the onlooker.
Song listening to right now: Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Fool
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Week 8: Relationships.
Thank you.
This photograph is how those individual people make me feel.
Song listening to right now: Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Week 7: Perception.
Thanks again
Taken to contrast ideas on perception and also culture, this picture relates to the difference between industry and culture on the same street.
Song listening to right now: Baz Lurhmann - Everbody's free (to wear sunscreen)
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Week 6: Engagement.
In my eyes (and ears) music is a language, as is photography. A format of communication that is universal throughout, or is it? This is a tough question and is answered simply by perception and process. We are brought up by our culture and kin, we know what is right and what is wrong according to the world we have grown up in. People grow up differently and have different cultural ideals, it is this built-in code that changes the rules of engagement and may or not be perceived as universal. The languages of Music and Photography are similar in this way. For example, in this stock photograph of a Cambodian woman ( most people from Britain's mainstream culture are aware that this is a woman begging and obviously living in poverty. What the majority of viewers won't know is that the scarf she is wearing on her head is a symbolic indicator that shows she is a member of the communist regime that still controls parts of rural Cambodia, and will stop her from getting shot in most places. It is this knowledge that acts as a "code" that separates photography from the universal.
This is also similar with music. We are brought up listening to what our culture provides us and we have a mixed opinion on what seems foreign to us and vice versa. This is the main thought that goes behind the reason I entered the world of Music Photography.
In this photograph I have captured the Bass guitarist of one of Reading's larger local bands. I have tried my hardest to snap him with an expression and position that best communicates his personality and music style. The engagement of the eyes and the detail in clothing and the instrument are symbolic indicators of his music style and personality in much the same way the scarf was an indicator of the old Cambodian woman's survival. World's apart but still trying they're best to communicate through symbolism.
Song listening to right now: Joe Satriani - Surfing with the Alien
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Week 5: A touch of Fashion.
So, this photograph of Leanne Briggs is my own "Pygmalion". I have made her into a woman of high status and class, dressing her in such a way, but I have purposely left remnants of her real attitude towards social class. This has been executed by her "showing some leg", the label still showing just above the heel and especially the contrasting background she is set in (this imitates the metaphorical background that is set in her genuine attitude towards the higher status).
Though I state all of this, Leanne is actually a very down to earth friend of mine, and any imposed social classes I just mentioned are not in any way related to her actual views on society and are merely my description of what I was trying to portray. Centuries of Idolatry in my own portrayal of society.
Song listening to right now: Steve Hackett - Horizons
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Week 4: Looking forward.
Song listening to right now: Pink Floyd - Coming Back to Life
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Week 3: Happy Birthday Mother.
Many thanks once again.
Exploitation may be a word that comes to mind, and in most cases it would be the appropriate one. However, in this case I would not relate it to this portrait. She willingly agreed to participate in this shoot, and hence, knew what she would be in for. True, this photograph is not complimenting, but this combination of negating a person's physical appearance and the judgment by the audience to create an engaging photograph, is quite a compliment in itself.
If I may be so bold, I would like to relate this photograph to the portrait by Alexander Rodchenko of his mother. This photograph does not show the beauty of motherhood, but in it's stead ends up showing the history. I make no apology for posting this photograph.
Song listening to right now: Neil Young - Harvest Moon
Monday, 15 June 2009
Week 2: 3:30 - 22:00
Please keep the feedback coming in any form possible, be it facebook, email or just simply commenting on here. It has been much appreciated so far.
Thanks entirely
We were stood on the corner of Nottingham's market square, taking a photograph from the same position once every minute for 18 hours to create a time lapse. During this time, we had a number of different members of the public walk up to us and query what we were up to. This Photograph was captured of an elderly homeless male that stood with us for at least an hour. He originated from Lahore and told us of the fascist traditions in which his old village used to keep out foreigners and he totally agreed they should have stayed that way. I will not repeat the language he used as a lot of readers will probably find it offensive, he was filled with history and accentuated it in the most forceful manner possible. The man showed his anger at the loss of tradition. I did not agree with any of his views.
Song I am listening to right now: Buddy Holly - Rave on
Sunday, 7 June 2009
First Blog: Week 1
The aim of this blog is to post a photograph, taken by me, once a week for the next 1000 weeks of my life. This week will be no exception and I already have a photograph in mind to upload in just a few seconds. I would greatly appreciate any feedback.
Thank you greatly.
This photograph is a frame of my Grandmother, a very dear woman to me. Very close. I felt that I should project this idea of closeness onto the film, in a manner that was both sincere and striking. On a personal plateau, she is the image of my heritage.
Song I am listening to right now: Gotye - Hearts a Mess