Saturday 18 June 2011

Week 102: Still.

There really isn't too much to say this week apart from I am content with nothing happening. Things are still for the time being, things will get moving next week and I can't wait to see the people I adore. They keep me moving.


This was taken at Cemetery Junction in Reading. This is what kept one of the homeless men from being still. If we look back to Week 66 ( then we can see Chewie seeming quite still after smoking some of the substance in the photograph above, however this is not what he would deem as still, his brain is moving, it keeps him going. Without it his life would be still. He has got to the point where smoking marijuana has to happen, it works as a fuel for his life. His life is moving very slowly but it is moving none the less. It is a slow tragedy.

Song listening to right now: Reinventing Your Exit - Underoath

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